Singapore Startup FAQ

This post originally appeared on the Pollenizer blog and on sgentrepreneurs.

I’ve met with dozens of folks over the past months who are interested in the Singapore startup scene. The questions they asked were often similar, so I thought I would take a crack at writing up my standard responses. For the record, this post is not meant to replace a good coffee chat, just to make those chats even more productive and interesting.

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Product/Market Fit and the Law of the Excluded Middle

This post originally appeared on the Pollenizer blog.

The law of the excluded middle states that: “for any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation is”. I’ve been thinking about this philosophical pearl as it applies to the holy grail of startup propositions: “[Startup X] has achieved product/market fit”. A strict interpretation of the rule makes the proposition black and white, i.e., either you’ve achieved product/market fit or else you haven’t. In practice things are murkier, and therein lies the issue.

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2013, The Year of the Lean Enterprise?

This post originally appeared on the Pollenizer blog

It looks like I’m a few days late to proclaim 2013 the year for Southeast Asia startups. Props to my old colleague Michael Smith and Asia’s best tech writer Jon Russell for nailing that, and yes of course I agree wholeheartedly. That’s why we’re here! But while we’re on the topic of what’s hot in 2013, I like to add the penetration of lean startup into the enterprise as another space to watch.

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What I’ve Learned So Far

This post originally appeared on the Pollenizer blog.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been less than half a year since I left the cozy confines of Yahoo to join the Pollenizer roller coaster. It’s been an amazing learning experience on a personal and professional level. As the year draws to a close, I thought I’d share some reflections. This post focuses on my experience opening Pollenizer’s Singapore office. For bigger picture reflections on how Pollenizer sees the world these days, please check out this year end post from our CEO and co-founder Phil Morle.

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How to Win A Startup Weekend

This post originally appeared on thebobbery and on the Pollenizer blog.

I recently had the privilege of judging at Startup Weekend Manila. The experience got me thinking about what makes a great Startup Weekend pitch. Here’s a list of eight suggestions that might help you for your next Startup Weekend, Hackathon or other quick hitting startup event.

1. Explain why your solution makes sense – Your startup solves a problem. Great! But how much better is your approach than what people have access to today? And why hasn’t anyone else tried the solution you’re proposing? Or if others have tried it, why haven’t they succeeded? Answering theses deeper questions makes your story more convincing and reassures the judges that you aren’t oversimplifying.

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